Jovi Weekly Update 4/23/12
This has been a very big week for Jovi! She has started sucking her thumb, rolling from her back to her stomach, and is getting her first tooth.
Ever since she was born Jovi has sucked on her hand, or anything else she can put her mouth (pacifier, blankets, my hand, etc), but now she will put just her thumb in her mouth. But she still seems to prefer grabbing things and shoving them into her mouth.
Two or three weeks ago she figured out how to roll from her front to her back, using her head and having her butt follow.
Today Karah ran into my office and said “Jovi’s first tooth is coming in!”, then she showed me this little white bump! It hasn’t broken through yet, but soon will. I told Karah, “Breast feeding is about to get painful.”
I love that she can focus on things and responds to my voice. And while she is always cute, it is super-cute when she sticks her head out and you can see her neck.
P.S. – I’m going to try to do an update like this each week.
What a wonderful ride you are on. Enjoy every moment. I think it is a great idea to document every week the changes you notice. You will be able to go back and look at them so easily.