Astonishing Tales One Shots (Spider-Woman)
This is a fun little story (10 pages including front and back covers) about an evening in the life of Jessica Drew, aka Spider-Woman, as a private investigator in Hollywood. I won’t ruin it with any spoilers, but will say, there are some vampires. Side note, it was released in 2009 and is set before the Secret Invasion storyline. You get that iconic Spider-hero line “No one ever looks up.” which always makes me smile. After I read that for the first time I started looking up more, it really is interesting what you see sometimes (have yet to see Spider-Man, Arachne, or some other hero, but have seen some cool clouds and terrible ceiling tiles).
I am still stuck on the back cover! It is a fun reference to the Marvel Civil War storyline. But what keeps me up at night (not really) is what looks like Red Tornado in crowd by Iron Man!
This book is a Marvel Digital Comics Exclusive, so you will need to use some sort of digital platform, such as Marvel Unlimited, to read it.
Marvel Synopsis
“MARVEL DIGITAL COMICS EXCLUSIVE Before Secret Invasion, before Dark Reign, Jessica Drew was a P.I. desperate to survive in Los Angeles. Writer Jonathan Green (Anita Blake: The First Death) and the incredible Fiona Staples give us an untold tale of Spider-Woman’s past…and some of Hollywood’s most horrible vampires!” –
Don’t forget the January 2015 giveaway, a copy of Gotham by Gaslight.