The July 3rd S.H.I.E.L.D. Readiness Training Event
For this new S.H.I.E.L.D. Readiness Training event there are a few changes, and I for one like them!
Here’s the “official word”:
1. You can now pick which SSR card you want as a reward out of three. You can set your reward card when you:
– Accumulate a certain number of ISO-8 shards
– Reach the third ISO-8 processor in the ISO-8 Exchange
* You CANNOT change the reward card after you set it. Please be careful.
2. Fulfill certain conditions to get trophies. Show your trophies off to team/alliance members and other players in your Trophy Room.
3. The number of ISO-8 shards needed to earn a promotion has been changed.
Previously: Players started from 0 ISO-8 shards, with no carry-over.
Now: Earn a promotion by accumulating the ISO-8 shard differential between your current S.H.I.E.L.D. rank and the next one.
For example, players who accumulated 80-199 ISO-8 shards in the last Readiness Training will be able to proceed to the next promotion from the 80 shard point.
4. Battle Session Power Pack are now available as a play bonus. Get one daily and use them to battle against other agents.
Pretty cool, right? Let’s digest it.
1. Getting to choose a card from a specific alignment is nice, and should help the card trade values from going down too much (though neither SOL Cap or Storm are the most popular cards in the game, but I think Storm will get some more appreciation soon); I think Surtur will be the popular choice. These are the three cards you can pick from and links to their wiki pages:
We don’t know Surtur’s ability yet, but based on the other two and another two trends I’m going to guess a team defense degrade.
2. The trophies are not such a big deal to me, maybe there is some other reward for it… Looks to me like another way put some cool graphics and animations into the game – fun, but can get old quick. There has not been a penalty for losing battles when attacked; maybe these trophies are a way to motivate poeple to keep a strong defense during PvP events.
3. Thank you! Man, why did they not have this last time? I had to reach 1,000 shards to receive a promotion last time, I was less than 200 shards away but was not planning on spending the PP for it; I would have gotten two promotions had this system been in place (I believe, but for sure at least one). And now that we’ve all seen the benefit of S.H.E.I.L.D. Readiness Training titles (shard bonuses during the raid) I think people will be more committed to these PvP events.
4. Looks like they are replacing Trainer Power Packs with Battle Session Power Packs, so the shorthand is going from TPP to BSPP… I can see the jokes in chartrooms already…
Server maintenance is scheduled for July 3rd from 5 -6 AM (ET). This is probably when we’ll get our raid rewards and the PvP will start.