Star Wars: Galactic Defense – Tatooine Walkthrough, Part 1
I am a fan of the DeNA mobile game Star Wars: Galactice Defense (SWGD) despite some of the recent changes. It is a tower defense strategy game for phones and tablets available for both Android and iOS phones and tablets.
The first planet you work through is Tatooine. Here is all the basic information on Tatooine in SWGD.
When Rebel spies obtain key information that could lead to the destruction of the Empire’s new secret weapon, the two forces engage in battle on the surface of this arid and hot desert world.
Light Side
Level 1: Operation Intel
Agents carrying crucial Imperial intelligence have crashed on the planet. The Imperials must not find them; engage the enemy in battle so that the agents have a chance to escape!
Boss: Greedo
Level 2: Desert Sands
The Imperials are spreading out across the planet in their pursuit of our agents. We must prevent their forces from recovering the critical intel!
Level 3: Speed Chase
Imperial speeder bikes have joined the assault. Deploy your defenses to keep the enemy at bay!
Level 4: Dune Sea Strife
The Empire has tracked the agents to the Dune Sea. Engage their forces to prevent our agents from being captured.
Level 5: Beware the 501st!
Darth Vader’s elite Stormtrooper squads are gathering their numbers in the Mos Eisley spaceport. They are preparing for a final attack to reclaim the stolen intel.
Level 6: Dangerous Territory
The battle has moved to the Jundland Wastes, home of the Sand People. Defend against Imperial troops, and keep on the lookout for the bounty hunter Dengar.
Level 7: Stay Alert!
Imperial forces have discovered our location and are surrounding us on all sides. Hold your defensive positions and repel their attack!
Boss: Dengar
Level 8: Imperials Advance!
Bounty hunters are rumored to have joined the hunt! Keep your eyes open for Boba Fett and his ilk, and shoot first if necessary!
Level 9: The Empire’s Might
The Imperial garrison has declared martial law and taken over the spaceport. We must keep them occupied so that the agents escape the system to safety.
Level 10: Battle for Mos Eisley
The Imperials are laying siege to Mos Eisley Spaceport! We must wipe out their numbers ina direct attack! The agents and their intel must be safely transported into Rebel command’s hands!
Boss: Boba Fett
Dark Side
Level 1: Find Them!
Rebel agents have crash landed on Tatooine carrying documents critical to the safety of the Empire. These Rebels must be captured at all costs!
Boss: Luke Skywalker
Level 2: Comb the Desert
The Rebel agents are on the run. They must not escape the system, so search every corner of the planet and find them!
Level 3: Desert Skirmish
The Rebels are slipping through our defenses and picking off our troops. We must regain control of the planet and destroy the insurgents!
Level 4: Unwelcome Uprising
Rebel communications are going haywire all over the planet! We must root out and destroy the insurgents that are protecting the Rebel agents. Guard all paths to and from each spaceport and stay alert!
Level 5: Rebel Attack!
The Rebels are trying to thwart our forces in the Dune Sea in order to retrieve the stolen plans. Engage their troops and keep searching for those agents!
Level 6: Guerilla Warfare
The Rebels are using the planet’s terrain to their advantage and are threatening our mission! Stay alert and press you attack!
Level 7: Jundland Ambush
Rebel squads have ambushed our squads in the Jundland Wastes! Alert all troops to repel the attacks and eliminate the threat so that the search can continue.
Boss: Chewbacca
Level 8: Smuggler Trouble
Intel has revealed that the agents may have found passage off the planet with some smugglers near Mos Eisley Spaceport. They have been spotted with a Corellian smuggler and must be apprehended.
Level 9: Hangar Assault
The runaway agents must not leave the planet. Target all starship hangars in the Mos Eisley for destruction and prevent any possibility of escape!
Level 10: Blockade Mos Eisley
The location of the agents in the spaceport has been confirmed! They are in the company of two smugglers and must be detained at all costs. No one must leave Tatooine!
Boss: Han Solo
In Part Two of the walkthrough I will go into details about what each Light Side level entails.
*All images and wording belong to DeNA, Lucasfilm, and Disney – I am using them to help other active and potential players learn and encourage a sense of community around this fun game.*